PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials
30th Edition

Iasi ● Romania ● September 11 - 13, 2024


✔ The main city in North-East Romania, Iasi is a forever young breeding ground of culture, knowledge and enthusiasm.

✔ Widely known as the Cultural Capital of Romania and officially declared the Historical Capital of Romania, Iasi is a symbol of history, academia, literature, arts and pilgrimage.

✔ The city is one of the most important education and research center of the country. It is the home of the first university in Romania and of the oldest engineering school; it is the birthplace of the first Romanian newspaper, the oldest National Theatre, and the first and largest botanical garden in Romania.

✔ Iasi is also the home city of George Emil Palade, the only Romanian who was ever awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.

✔ This vibrant city welcomes you with a plethora of landmarks, museums, festivals, historical and religious monuments.

